STOP....Please Watch The Next Video Trainings To Get Set-up.
The following trainings will ensure you fully understand the basic set-up process of Ads Lab. You MUST use the Web-hook to export the data, so please watch and create your first workflow. If you do not set-up a web-hook we cannot store your first party data once it hits your site, so it WILL be lost. 
Training 1 - Let's Set-up Your First Workflow 
In this training we set-up a workflow and push data from the web-hook into Google Sheets. 
  • Join and create free account
  • ​Load in first 'Blue Print' [Click Here to Download]
  • Connect web-hook to Google Sheets
Training 2 - Let's Start Segmentation the Data 
In this training we set-up a workflow and push data from the web-hook into Google Sheets THEN begin segmenting by URL/Path, Demographics and Psychographics. 
  • Create first segment using the 'router'
  • ​Filter by URL/path, demographic and psychographic
  • Send data to CRM/platform of your choice
Training 3 - Let's Start Segmentation the Data and Push to Facebook Audiences 
In this training we set-up a workflow and push data from the web-hook into Google Sheets THEN begin segmenting by URL/Path, Demographics and Psychographics THEN send this data to Facebook Custom Audiences. 
  • Create first segment using the 'router'
  • ​Filter by URL/path, demographic and psychographic
  • Send data to Facebook Custom Audiences
Training 4 - Make Sure You Join The Community, Support Documentation and Ads Lab University 
All links are below
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